| | 24 WEEK RANDOMISED STUDY OF SWITCH TO DTG/RPV IN SUBJECTS WITH HIV RNA <50C/ML AND ARCHIVED K103N | Graeme Moyle1, Lambert Assoumou2, Jean-Michel Molina3, Frank A. Post4, AdriàCurran5, Stefano Rusconi6, Stephane De Wit7, Christoph Stephan8, François Raffi9, Margaret Johnson10, Maria Del Mar Masia11, Jaime Vera12, Jacob Lowman13, Anton Pozniak14, for NEAT Foundation, WISARD study group1Chelsea | | | |
| | Randomised study of switch to DTG/RPV in subjects with HIV RNA <50c/ml and archived K103N over 48 weeks | Graeme Moyle1, Lambert Assoumou2, Jean-Michel Molina3, FrankPost4, AdriàCurran5, Stefano Rusconi6, Stephane De Wit7, Christoph Stephan8, François Raffi9, Margaret Johnson10, Maria Del Mar Masia11, Jamie Vera12, Carl Fletcher13, Annie Duffy13, Kellie Morris13, Anton Pozniak1, for NEAT Foundation, WISARD study group. | | | |
WISARD | Paper | Switching to dolutegravir plus rilpivirine versus maintaining current antiretroviral therapy regimen in virologically suppressed people with HIV-1 and the Lys103Asn (K103N) mutation: 48-week results from a randomised, open-label pilot clinical trial | Graeme Moyle, Lambert Assoumou, Nathalie de Castro, Frank A Post, Adrian Curran, Stefano Rusconi, Stephane De Wit, Christoph Stephan,
François Raffi, Margaret Johnson, Mar Masia, Jaime Vera, Bryn Jones, Richard Grove, Carl Fletcher, Annie Duffy, Kellie Morris, Anton Pozniak,
for NEAT ID Foundation and the WISARD study group | Lancet HIV | | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38417976/ |
Reprieve | Paper | Rationale and design of the Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE) | Steven K.GrinspoonMDaKathleen V.FitchMSNaEdgar TurnerOvertonMDbCarl J.FichtenbaumMDcMarkella V.ZanniMDaJudith A.AbergMDdCarlosMalvestuttoMDeMichael T.LuMDjJudith S.CurrierMDfCraig A.SponsellerMDgMyronWaclawiwPhDhBeverlyAlston-SmithMDiKatharineCooper-ArnoldMPHhKarin L.KlingmanMDiPatriceDesvigne-NickensMDhUdoHoffmannMD, MPHjHeather J.RibaudoPhDkPamela S.DouglasMDlon behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators | American Heart Journal | | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002870319300456?via%3Dihub |
Reprieve | Paper | Successful recruitment of a multi-site international randomized placebo-controlled trial in people with HIV with attention to diversity of race and ethnicity: critical role of central coordination | Kathleen V. Fitch,Emma M. Kileel,Sara E. Looby,Markella V. Zanni,Laura R. Sanchez,Carl J. Fichtenbaum,Edgar T. Overton,Carlos Malvestutto,Judith A. Aberg,Karin L. Klingman,Beverly Alston-Smith,Judith Lavelle,Anne Rancourt,Sharlaa Badal-Faesen,Sandra Wagner Cardoso,Anchalee Avihingsanon,Sandesh Patil,Craig A. Sponseller,Kathleen Melbourne,Heather J. Ribaudo,Katharine Cooper-Arnold,Patrice Desvigne-Nickens,Udo Hoffmann,Pamela S. DouglasORCID Icon,Steven K. Grinspoon &on behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators | HIV Research and Clinical Practice | | https://www.reprievetrial.org/successful-recruitment-of-a-multi-site-international-randomized-placebo-controlled-trial-in-people-with-hiv-with-attention-to-diversity-of-race-and-ethnicity-critical-role-of-central-coordination/ |
Reprieve | Paper | An Evaluation of Baseline Kidney Function in the REPRIEVE Trial of Pitavastatin in Human Immunodeficiency Virus | Edgar T Overton, Amy Kantor, Kathleen V Fitch, Paul Muntner, Khuanchai Supparatpinyo, Mosepele Mosepele, Lerato Mohapi, Sandra Wagner Cardoso, Sandesh Patil, Marcus V G de Lacerda, Grace McComsey, Judith A Aberg, Pamela S Douglas, Steven K Grinspoon, Heather Ribaudo, Christina M Wyatt | Journal of Infectious Diseases | | https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S41/5869457 |
Reprieve | Paper | Patterns of Antiretroviral Therapy Use and Immunologic Profiles at Enrollment in the REPRIEVE Trial | Carl J Fichtenbaum, Heather J Ribaudo, Jorge Leon-Cruz, Edgar T Overton, Markella V Zanni, Carlos D Malvestutto, Judith A Aberg, Emma M Kileel, Kathleen V Fitch, Marije Van Schalkwyk, Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, Esteban Martinez, Breno Riegel Santos, Yvetot Joseph, Janet Lo, Sue Siminski, Kathleen Melbourne, Craig A Sponseller, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Gerald S Bloomfield, Judith S Currier, Udo Hoffmann, Pamela S Douglas, Steven K Grinspoon, REPRIEVE Investigators | Journal of Infectious Diseases | | https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S8/5869455 |
Reprieve | Paper | Characteristics of REPRIEVE Trial Participants Identifying Across the Transgender Spectrum | Laura M Smeaton, Emma M Kileel, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Edward M Gardner, Kate Starr, Melissa L Murry, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Beverly Alston-Smith, Myron A Waclawiw, Katharine Cooper-Arnold, José V Madruga, Shashi Sangle, Kathleen V Fitch, Markella V Zanni, Pamela S Douglas, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven K Grinspoon, Karin L Klingman | Journal of Infectious Diseases | | https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S31/5869453 |
Reprieve | Paper | Leveraging a Landmark Trial of Primary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Introduction from the REPRIEVE Co-Principal Investigators | Steven K Grinspoon, Pamela S Douglas, Udo Hoffmann, Heather J Ribaudo | Journal of Infectious Diseases | | https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S1/5869454 |
Reprieve | Paper | Cardiovascular Risk and Health Among People with HIV Eligible for Primary Prevention: Insights from the REPRIEVE Trial | Pamela S Douglas, Triin Umbleja, Gerald S Bloomfield, Carl J Fichtenbaum, Markella V Zanni, Edgar T Overton, Kathleen V Fitch, Emma M Kileel, Judith A Aberg, Judith Currier, Craig A Sponseller, Kathleen Melbourne, Anchalee Avihingsanon, Flavio Bustorff, Vicente Estrada, Kiat Ruxrungtham, Maria Saumoy, Ann Marie Navar, Udo Hoffmann, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven Grinspoon on behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators | Clinical Infectious Diseases | | https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/73/11/2009/6301132 |
Reprieve | Paper | COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in a Global HIV Cohort | Evelynne S Fulda, Kathleen V Fitch, Edgar T Overton, Markella V Zanni, Judith A Aberg, Judith S Currier, Michael T Lu, Carlos Malvestutto, Carl J Fichtenbaum, Esteban Martinez, Triin Umbleja, Pamela S Douglas, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven K Grinspoon | JID | | https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/225/4/603/6431673 |
Reprieve | Paper | Prevalence and Correlates of Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in Adults with HIV: Insights from the REPRIEVE Trial | Bloomfield, Gerald S. MD, MPHa; Weir, Isabelle R. PhDb; Ribaudo, Heather J. PhDb; Fitch, Kathleen V. MSNc; Fichtenbaum, Carl J. MDd; Moran, Laura E. MPHe; Bedimo, Roger MDf; de Filippi, Christopher MDg; Morse, Caryn G. MD, MPHh; Piccini, Jonathan MD, MHSa; Zanni, Markella V. MDc; Lu, Michael T. MD, MPHi; Hoffmann, Udo MD, MPHi; Grinspoon, Steven K. MDc; Douglas, Pamela S. MDa | JAIDS | | https://journals.lww.com/jaids/Citation/2022/03010/Prevalence_and_Correlates_of_Electrocardiographic.15.aspx |
Reprieve | Paper | Diet by global burden of disease region in adults with HIV at low to intermediate risk of cardiovascular disease in the REPRIEVE Trial | Fitch, Kathleen V.a; McCallum, Sara A.a; Erlandson, Kristine M.b; Overton, Edgar Turnerc; Zanni, Markella V.a; Fichtenbaum, Carld; Aberg, Judith A.e; Fulda, Evelynne S.a; Kileel, Emma M.a; Moran, Laura E.f; Bloomfield, Gerald S.g,n; Novak, Richard M.h; Pérez-Frontera, Sigridi; Abrams-Downey, Alexandrae; Pierone, Gerald Jr.j; Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswarank; Ruxrungtham, Kiatl; Mngqibisa, Rosiem; Douglas, Pamela S.n; Ribaudo, Heather J.o; Grinspoon, Steven K.a | AIDS | | https://journals.lww.com/aidsonline/Fulltext/2022/11150/Diet_in_a_global_cohort_of_adults_with_HIV_at.11.aspx |
Reprieve | Paper | Pitavastatin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in HIV Infection | Steven K. Grinspoon, M.D., Kathleen V. Fitch, M.S.N., Markella V. Zanni, M.D., Carl J. Fichtenbaum, M.D., Triin Umbleja, M.S., Judith A. Aberg, M.D., Edgar T. Overton, M.D., Carlos D. Malvestutto, M.D., M.P.H., Gerald S. Bloomfield, M.D., M.P.H., Judith S. Currier, M.D., Esteban Martinez, M.D., Ph.D., Jhoanna C. Roa, M.D., et al., for the REPRIEVE Investigators* | New England Journey of Medicine | | https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2304146 |
COMBINE-2 | Poster | Resistance History And Virologic Outcomes For 2-drug Regimens- Data From Combine-2. | Cristina Mussini1 , Cassidy Henegar2 , Lambert Assoumou3 , Stephane De Wit 4 , Margaret Johnson 5 , Eugenia Quiros Roldan 6 , Carl Fletcher7 , Annie Duffy7 , Leigh Ragone 2 , Jean van Wyk 8 , Michael Aboud8 , Anton Pozniak 3 , Vani Vannappagari 2 | | BHIVA 2022 | https://www.bhiva.org/file/62a1e6bcb916b/P007.pdf |
COMBINE-2 | ePoster | Highly Effective Two-drug Regimens of an Integrase Inhibitor and Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor in Real-World Setting - Data from COMBINE-2 Study. | Cristina Mussini, 1 Cassidy Henegar,2 Lambert Assoumou,3 Stephane De Wit,4 Margaret Johnson, 5 Eugenia Quiros Roldan, 6 Leigh Ragone, 2 Jean van Wyk, 7 Michael Aboud, 7 Carl Fletcher, 8 Annie Duffy, 8 Anton Pozniak,3 Vani Vannappagari 2 on behalf of the COMBINE-2 Study Group | | EACS 2021 | https://medinfo.gsk.com/5f95dbd7-245e-4e65-9f36-1a99e28e5bba/ade0b1eb-b979-4a4b-95d7-d68a18478f2d/ade0b1eb-b979-4a4b-95d7-d68a18478f2d_viewable_rendition__v.pdf |
| | Dolutegravir + lamivudine 2-drug regimen is highly effective and well-tolerated in a real-world clinical setting in Europe: data from the COMBINE-2 Study | Cristina Mussini,1CassidyHenegar,2LambertAssoumou,3StephaneDeWit,4MargaretJohnson,5EugeniaQuirosRoldan,6Leigh Ragone,2BrynJones,7JeanvanWyk,7Michael Aboud,2CarlFletcher,8AnnieDuffy,8Selina Bannoo,8A. Pozniak,9Vani Vannappagari 2 on behalf of the COMBINE-2 Study Group | | | |
COMBINE-2 | ePoster | Real-world observational study in Europe on the effectiveness and safety of two-drug regimens containing an integrase inhibitor and reverse transcriptase inhibitor (COMBINE-2): Week 96 stable switch population results | Cristina Mussini, Cassidy Henegar, Lambert Assoumou, Stephane De Wit, Margaret Johnson, Eugenia Quiros Roldan, Leigh Ragone, Bryn Jones, Jean van Wyk, Michael Aboud, Carl Fletcher, Annie Duffy,Anton Pozniak,Vani Vannappagari. | | IAS 2023 | https://viivexchange.com/content/dam/cf-viiv/viivexchange/medical/pdf/ias-2023-mussini-combine-2-week-96-results-disclaimer.pdf |
| | A multicentre observational study to determine the safety and effectiveness of dolutegravir (DTG) use during pregnancy: Data from DOLOMITE NEAT ID network Study | Justyna D. Kowalska1, Sergii Antoniak2, Lambert Assoumou3, Anton Pozniak4, Tetiana Rybak5, Stephane De Wit6 , Ana Milinkovic4, Sherie Roedling7, Annie Duffy8, Carl Fletcher8, Leigh Ragone9, Claire Thorne10, and Vani Vannappagari9, | | | |
GILEAD GS-US-5807 | Paper | Remdesivir for Severe COVID-19 versus a Cohort Receiving Standard of Care | Susan A Olender 1, Katherine K Perez 2, Alan S Go 3, Bindu Balani 4, Eboni G Price-Haywood 5, Nirav S Shah 6, Su Wang 7, Theresa L Walunas 8, Shobha Swaminathan 9, Jihad Slim 10, BumSik Chin 11, Stéphane De Wit 12, Shamim M Ali 13 14, Alex Soriano Viladomiu 15, Philip Robinson 16, Robert L Gottlieb 17 18, Tak Yin Owen Tsang 19, I-Heng Lee 20, Hao Hu 21, Richard H Haubrich 20, Anand P Chokkalingam 20, Lanjia Lin 20, Lijie Zhong 20, B Nebiyou Bekele 20, Robertino Mera-Giler 20, Chloé Phulpin 22, Holly Edgar 22, Joel Gallant 20, Helena Diaz-Cuervo 23, Lindsey E Smith 20, Anu O Osinusi 20, Diana M Brainard 20, Jose I Bernardino 24; GS-US-540–5773 and GS-US-540–5807 Investigators | CID | | https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/73/11/e4166/5876045?login=false |
PIONEER | Paper | Favipiravir in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 (PIONEER trial): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled trial of early intervention versus standard care | Pallav L Shah*, Christopher M Orton*, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Gavin C Donaldson, Brenda Crabtree Ramírez, James Tonkin, Breno R Santos, Sandra W Cardoso, Andrew I Ritchie, Francesca Conway, Maria P D Riberio, Dexter J Wiseman, Anand Tana, Bavithra Vijayakumar, Cielito Caneja, Craig Leaper, Bobby Mann, Anda Samson, Pankaj K Bhavsar, Marta Boffito, Mark R Johnson, Anton Pozniak, Michael Pelly, | Lancet Respiritory Magazine | | https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(22)00412-X/fulltext |
| | The COVID-19 HIV CO-INFECTION DATA DASHBOARD | Behrens GMN1, De Wit S2, Vella S3, Dedes N4, Babiker A5, Brooks C6, Hudson N6,, Honour H6, Pozniak A7, Dashboard contributors8 | | | |
| | Morbidity & Risk Factors of COVID-19 in People Living With HIV-1 in Europe: NEAT ID HIV-CoCo Study. | Georg M.N. Behrens1; Lambert Assoumou2 ;Stephane De Wit3 ;Rona MacDonald4 ;Nathalie de Castro5 ;Frank Post6 ;Casper Rokx7 ;Carl Fletcher8 ;Annie Duffy8 ;Anton Pozniak9,10 ; Esteban Martinez11, on behalf of the HIV CoCo study group. | | | |
| | Real-World Effectiveness of Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in Virologically Suppressed Treatment Experienced Individuals in Europe: Data from COMBINE-2 Study | Anton Pozniak,1 Gayathri Sridhar,2 Lambert Assoumou,1 Lionel Piroth,3 Dominique Braun,4 Carl Fletcher,5 Leigh Ragone,2 Ajay Shah,6 Jean van Wyk,7 Vani Vannappagari2, on behalf of the C2C study group 1The European treatment network for HIV, hepatitis and global infectious diseases (NEAT ID), London, UK; 2ViiV Healthcare, Durham, NC, USA; 3CHU Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon Cedex, France; 4Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 5 Research Organization (KC) Ltd., London, UK; 6GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, Middlesex, UK; 7ViiV Healthcare, London, England, UK | | | |
| | HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Services, Provision, and Delivery in the NEAT ID Network | Geoffroy Liegeon1, Annie Duffy2, Caroline Brooks2, Hannah Honour2, Jean-Michel Molina1 on behalf of the PrEP NEAT ID Study Group | | | |
| | Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir: a multinational NEAT ID study. | Francois Raffi1 , Nadir Arber2, Casper Rokx3, Lambert Assoumou4, Pallav L Shah5, Nathalie De Castro6, Ameet Bakhai7, Alex Soriano Viladomiu8 , Lourdes Mateu 9, Carlos Lumbreras Bermejo10,Vicente Estrada 11, Adrià Curran Fàbregas12, Pierre-Olivier Sellier13, Annie Duffy14, Carl Fletcher14, Essy Mozaffari15, Richard Haubrich15, Paul Hodgkins15, Anton Pozniak5 | | | |
| | Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients by Disease Severity Treated with Remdesivir - NEAT ID 909REM Study | Nadir Arber1, Pallav L Shah2, Francois Raffi3, , Lambert Assoumou4, Casper Rokx5, Nathalie De Castro6, Ameet Bakhai7, Alex Soriano Viladomiu8 , Lourdes Mateu 9, Carlos Lumbreras Bermejo10, Vicente Estrada 11, Adrià Curran Fàbregas12, Pierre-Olivier Sellier13, Annie Duffy14, Carl Fletcher14, Essy Mozaffari15, Richard Haubrich15, Paul Hodgkins15, Anton Pozniak2 | | | |
| | Clinical outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients by disease severity treated with remdesivir. | Nadir Arber1, Pallav L Shah2, Francois Raffi3, , Lambert Assoumou4, Casper Rokx5, Nathalie De Castro6, Ameet Bakhai7, Alex Soriano Viladomiu8 , Lourdes Mateu 9, Carlos Lumbreras Bermejo10, Vicente Estrada 11, Adrià Curran Fàbregas12, Pierre-Olivier Sellier6, Annie Duffy13, Carl Fletcher13, Essy Mozaffari14, Richard Haubrich14, Paul Hodgkins14, Anton Pozniak2 | | | |
| | Use of the NEWS2 score in clinical outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients by disease severity treated with remdesivir ((AS-EACS-20221-00228). | Pallav L Shah1, , Alex Soriano Viladomiu2Nathalie De Castro3 Lambert Assoumou4, Francois Raffi5, Nadir Arber6, Casper Rokx7,, AmeetBakhai8, Lourdes Mateu9, Carlos LumbrerasBermejo10, Vicente Estrada 11, AdriàCurran Fàbregas12, Pierre-Olivier Sellier13, Annie Duffy14, Carl Fletcher14, EssyMozaffari15, Richard Haubrich15, Paul Hodgkins15, Anton Pozniak | | | |
Gilead 909REM | Paper | Clinical outcomes by supplemental oxygen use in remdesivir-treated, hospitalised adults with COVID-19 | Nadir Arber 1, Pallav L Shah 2, Lambert Assoumou 3, Casper Rokx 4, Nathalie De Castro 5, Ameet Bakhai 6, Alex Soriano Viladomiu 7, Lourdes Mateu 8, Carlos Lumbreras 9, Vicente Estrada 10, Adrian Curran 11, Pierre-Olivier Sellier 12, Annie Duffy 13, Carl Fletcher 14, Essy Mozaffari 15, Richard Haubrich 16, Paul Hodgkins 17, Anton Pozniak 18, Francois Raffi 19 | Infectious Diseases Now | | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37454762/ |
| Rapid Abstract Presentation | Rapid Abstract Presentations: Evolving ART | Roya Movahedi, Lambert Assoumou, Anton Pozniak, Karine Lacombe, Francois Raffi, Julie Fox, Debbie Roberts, Carl Fletcher, Annie Duffy, Jean-Michel Molina | | | |