REPRIEVE EU - Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV
A phase III study evaluating the effect of Pitavastatin to prevent cardiovascular events in HIV-1 infected individuals
Status: Close down activities
EUDRACTNumber: 2018-001285-41
NEAT ID Foundation (Spain) & Massachusetts General Hospital (Global)
Indication: HIV-infected patients on ART considered at low to moderate risk for cardiovascular disease and without a history of cardiovascular disease
Sites: 13
Territories : 1
Paper - American Heart Journal
Title : Rationale and design of the Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE)
Authors : Steven K.GrinspoonMDaKathleen V.FitchMSNaEdgar TurnerOvertonMDbCarl J.FichtenbaumMDcMarkella V.ZanniMDaJudith A.AbergMDdCarlosMalvestuttoMDeMichael T.LuMDjJudith S.CurrierMDfCraig A.SponsellerMDgMyronWaclawiwPhDhBeverlyAlston-SmithMDiKatharineCooper-ArnoldMPHhKarin L.KlingmanMDiPatriceDesvigne-NickensMDhUdoHoffmannMD, MPHjHeather J.RibaudoPhDkPamela S.DouglasMDlon behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators
Link : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30928825/
Paper - HIV Research and Clinical Practice
Title : Successful recruitment of a multi-site international randomized placebo-controlled trial in people with HIV with attention to diversity of race and ethnicity: critical role of central coordination
Authors : Kathleen V. Fitch,Emma M. Kileel,Sara E. Looby,Markella V. Zanni,Laura R. Sanchez,Carl J. Fichtenbaum,Edgar T. Overton,Carlos Malvestutto,Judith A. Aberg,Karin L. Klingman,Beverly Alston-Smith,Judith Lavelle,Anne Rancourt,Sharlaa Badal-Faesen,Sandra Wagner Cardoso,Anchalee Avihingsanon,Sandesh Patil,Craig A. Sponseller,Kathleen Melbourne,Heather J. Ribaudo,Katharine Cooper-Arnold,Patrice Desvigne-Nickens,Udo Hoffmann,Pamela S. DouglasORCID Icon,Steven K. Grinspoon &on behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators
Paper - Journal of Infectious Diseases
Title : An Evaluation of Baseline Kidney Function in the REPRIEVE Trial of Pitavastatin in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Authors : Edgar T Overton, Amy Kantor, Kathleen V Fitch, Paul Muntner, Khuanchai Supparatpinyo, Mosepele Mosepele, Lerato Mohapi, Sandra Wagner Cardoso, Sandesh Patil, Marcus V G de Lacerda, Grace McComsey, Judith A Aberg, Pamela S Douglas, Steven K Grinspoon, Heather Ribaudo, Christina M Wyatt
Link : https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S41/5869457
Paper - Journal of Infectious Diseases
Title : Patterns of Antiretroviral Therapy Use and Immunologic Profiles at Enrollment in the REPRIEVE Trial
Authors : Carl J Fichtenbaum, Heather J Ribaudo, Jorge Leon-Cruz, Edgar T Overton, Markella V Zanni, Carlos D Malvestutto, Judith A Aberg, Emma M Kileel, Kathleen V Fitch, Marije Van Schalkwyk, Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, Esteban Martinez, Breno Riegel Santos, Yvetot Joseph, Janet Lo, Sue Siminski, Kathleen Melbourne, Craig A Sponseller, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Gerald S Bloomfield, Judith S Currier, Udo Hoffmann, Pamela S Douglas, Steven K Grinspoon, REPRIEVE Investigators
Link : https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S8/5869455
Paper - Journal of Infectious Diseases
Title : Characteristics of REPRIEVE Trial Participants Identifying Across the Transgender Spectrum
Authors : Laura M Smeaton, Emma M Kileel, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Edward M Gardner, Kate Starr, Melissa L Murry, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Beverly Alston-Smith, Myron A Waclawiw, Katharine Cooper-Arnold, José V Madruga, Shashi Sangle, Kathleen V Fitch, Markella V Zanni, Pamela S Douglas, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven K Grinspoon, Karin L Klingman
Link : https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S31/5869453
Paper - Journal of Infectious Diseases
Title : Leveraging a Landmark Trial of Primary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Introduction from the REPRIEVE Co-Principal Investigators
Authors : Steven K Grinspoon, Pamela S Douglas, Udo Hoffmann, Heather J Ribaudo
Link : https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/222/Supplement_1/S1/5869454
Paper - Clinical Infectious Diseases
Title : Cardiovascular Risk and Health Among People with HIV Eligible for Primary Prevention: Insights from the REPRIEVE Trial
Authors : Pamela S Douglas, Triin Umbleja, Gerald S Bloomfield, Carl J Fichtenbaum, Markella V Zanni, Edgar T Overton, Kathleen V Fitch, Emma M Kileel, Judith A Aberg, Judith Currier, Craig A Sponseller, Kathleen Melbourne, Anchalee Avihingsanon, Flavio Bustorff, Vicente Estrada, Kiat Ruxrungtham, Maria Saumoy, Ann Marie Navar, Udo Hoffmann, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven Grinspoon on behalf of the REPRIEVE Investigators
Link : https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/73/11/2009/6301132
Paper - JID
Title : COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in a Global HIV Cohort
Authors : Evelynne S Fulda, Kathleen V Fitch, Edgar T Overton, Markella V Zanni, Judith A Aberg, Judith S Currier, Michael T Lu, Carlos Malvestutto, Carl J Fichtenbaum, Esteban Martinez, Triin Umbleja, Pamela S Douglas, Heather J Ribaudo, Steven K Grinspoon
Link : https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/225/4/603/6431673
Paper - JAIDS
Title : Prevalence and Correlates of Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in Adults with HIV: Insights from the REPRIEVE Trial
Authors : Bloomfield, Gerald S. MD, MPHa; Weir, Isabelle R. PhDb; Ribaudo, Heather J. PhDb; Fitch, Kathleen V. MSNc; Fichtenbaum, Carl J. MDd; Moran, Laura E. MPHe; Bedimo, Roger MDf; de Filippi, Christopher MDg; Morse, Caryn G. MD, MPHh; Piccini, Jonathan MD, MHSa; Zanni, Markella V. MDc; Lu, Michael T. MD, MPHi; Hoffmann, Udo MD, MPHi; Grinspoon, Steven K. MDc; Douglas, Pamela S. MDa
Paper - AIDS
Title : Diet by global burden of disease region in adults with HIV at low to intermediate risk of cardiovascular disease in the REPRIEVE Trial
Authors : Fitch, Kathleen V.a; McCallum, Sara A.a; Erlandson, Kristine M.b; Overton, Edgar Turnerc; Zanni, Markella V.a; Fichtenbaum, Carld; Aberg, Judith A.e; Fulda, Evelynne S.a; Kileel, Emma M.a; Moran, Laura E.f; Bloomfield, Gerald S.g,n; Novak, Richard M.h; Pérez-Frontera, Sigridi; Abrams-Downey, Alexandrae; Pierone, Gerald Jr.j; Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswarank; Ruxrungtham, Kiatl; Mngqibisa, Rosiem; Douglas, Pamela S.n; Ribaudo, Heather J.o; Grinspoon, Steven K.a
Full Study Results Paper - New England Journal of Medicine
Title : Pitavastatin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in HIV Infection
Authors : Steven K. Grinspoon, M.D., Kathleen V. Fitch, M.S.N., Markella V. Zanni, M.D., Carl J. Fichtenbaum, M.D., Triin Umbleja, M.S., Judith A. Aberg, M.D., Edgar T. Overton, M.D., Carlos D. Malvestutto, M.D., M.P.H., Gerald S. Bloomfield, M.D., M.P.H., Judith S. Currier, M.D., Esteban Martinez, M.D., Ph.D., Jhoanna C. Roa, M.D., et al., for the REPRIEVE Investigators*
Link : https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2304146